Sovakon talvikoulu keskiviikkona 27.3.019 Turussa
Sosiaalitieteiden valtakunnallinen jatkokoulutusohjelma SOVAKO järjestää Sosiologipäivien alla perinteisen talvikoulun. Haku talvikouluun on avoin kaikille sosiaalitieteiden tai yhteiskuntatieteiden jatko-opiskelijoille. Talvikoulun ohjelma muodostuu luennosta, työryhmätyöskentelystä ja illallisesta.
Talvikoulun työryhmien opettajina toimivat sosiologipäivien pääpuhujat professori Melinda Mills ja professori Minna van Gerven sekä vieraileva Fulbright-professori Barbara Katz Rothman. Talvikoulun luennosta vastaa Melinda Mills. Hänen luentonsa otsikko on ’How to publish your research’.
Themes of the Workshop
- Melinda Mills: Interdisciplinary approaches to fertility and life course research
- Minna van Gerven: Inequality in the digital age
- Barbara Katz Rothman: The ongoing role of sex/gender in medical services
Hakuohjeet kuhunkin työryhmään ovat seuraavat:
- Professor Minna van Gerven: Inequality in the digital age
A postgraduate workshop with professor Minna van Gerven (University of Twente) will be arranged as a part of SOVAKO’s Winter School in Turku on Wednesday 27 March 2019 in association with the Westermarck Society’s annual sociology conference. We invite researchers working on the inequality, policy, and technology to submit their papers.
The applicants should prepare a paper (max 2500 words) that can be a research plan, part of empirical analysis, a presentation of a theoretical idea. The paper should start with a short summary of the doctoral research project (max 500 words) and end with potential questions/challenges that the PhD student want to address during the workshop. This working group is in English.
The papers for the workshop will be selected on the basis of abstracts (max 200 words). The abstracts should to be submitted by email by 28 Feb 2019 to Pekka Rantanen ( Decisions on acceptance of papers will be given by email personally by 7 March, and the full papers should be submitted by 22 March 2019, 9AM.
- Professor Melinda Mills: Interdisciplinary approaches to fertility and life course research
A postgraduate workshop with Professor Melinda Mills (Oxford) will be arranged as a part of SOVAKO’s Winter School in Turku on Wednesday 27 March 2019 in association with the Westermarck Society’s annual sociology conference. The workshop is broadly open to students with an interest in life course research. Although the topic of the lecture will focus on various interdisciplinary approaches to the study of fertility behavior, students with an interest in the related topics of education, employment, partnerships and interrelated life course domains are welcome to discuss their research. We will also discuss publication strategies for your research. The workshop paper should be a short document of no longer than two pages and can take various forms. It may be a research plan, a dissertation chapter, the first draft or idea of a paper.
The papers should to be submitted by email by 28 Feb 2019 to Pekka Rantanen ( Decisions on acceptance of papers will be given by email personally by 7 March.
- Professor Barbara Katz Rothman: The ongoing role of sex / gender in medical services
A postgraduate workshop with professor Barbara Katz Rothmanin (CUNY) will be arranged as a part of SOVAKO’s Winter School in Turku on Wednesday 27 March 2019 in association with the Westermarck Society’s annual sociology conference. The workshop is a collaborative effort of SOVAKO and The Finnish Reproductive Studies Network (FiReSNet), and it is titled The ongoing role of sex/gender in medical services. We warmly welcome papers focusing on gender/sex issues in medicine, health and practices of care.
The workshop paper (max 3200 words [= app. 12 pages, 1,5 line, 12 pt] + bibliography) can be a research plan, a conference paper, a presentation of a theoretical idea or a research method, or a part of your empirical analysis. A short presentation of the doctoral study (the theme, the research problem, the purpose of the study) should be attached to the beginning of the paper.
The papers for the workshop will be selected on the basis of abstracts (max 200 words). The abstracts should to be submitted by email by 28 Feb 2019 to Ilpo Helén ( or Riikka Homanen ( Decisions on acceptance of papers will be given by email personally by 7 March, and the full papers should be submitted to Ilpo Helén by 22 March 2019 the latest.
Hakemukset talvikouluun lähetetään ohjeiden mukaisesti 28.2.2019 mennessä. Liitetiedostot voivat olla joko Word tai PDF-tiedostoja.
Jokaiseen ryhmään otetaan enintään 10 osallistujaa. Valinta tehdään hakemusten perusteella. Mainitse hakemuksessasi, mihin ryhmään haluat osallistua. Kerro myös, missä yliopistossa teet jatko-opintoja ja kuka (ketkä) työtäsi ohjaa(vat).
Hyväksytyille ilmoitetaan valinnan tuloksista viimeistään 7.3.2019.
Sovako tarjoaa hyväksytyille Turun ulkopuolelta tuleville majoituksen kahden hengen huoneissa yhden yön ajalta (27.–28.3. välinen yö) hotellissa, kohtuulliset matkakulut (kuitteja vastaan), kaikille talvikoulun osallistujille illallisen keskiviikkona 27.3.2019 sekä osallistumismaksun sosiologipäiville.
Paikka: Publicum-rakennus, Turun yliopisto, (osoite: Assistentinkatu 7, 20014 Turun yliopisto)
Aikataulu: Keskiviikko 27.3.2019
12:00–13:00 Melinda Mills luento: ’How to publish your research’ (luentosali/leccture room Pub 4, 2. kerros/second floor)
13:00–14:00 Lounas
14:00–15:30 Seminaari/workshops continue (luentosalit/lecture rooms Pub 4, 361 and 471)
15.30–16:00 Kahvitauko
16.00–18.00 Seminaari/workshops continue (luentosalit/lecture rooms Pub 4, 361 and 471)
19.30– Illallinen/Evening Dinner