Sosiologipäivillä 2014 pääpuhujina olivat:
- Professori Sarah Pink (RMIT University, Australia): ”Digital Media, Presence and Everyday life in the home: The Bindings of People and Things”
- Yliopistonlehtori Olli Pyyhtinen (Turun yliopisto): ”No Gift with/out Bond? On Giving and Exchange”
- Professori Donatella Della Porta (European University Institute, Italia): ”Democracy is not a spectator sport! Spreading democracy in the Anti-Austerity Movements”
Sosiologipäivät huipentuivat Sosiologia-lehden 50 vuotta juhlaseminaariin, jonne saimme kunniavieraiksi paitsi lehden ensimmäisen päätoimittajan Antti Eskolan ja keväällä 2014 toimivan päätoimittajan Eeva Luhtakallion, myös tieteensosiologit Marja Alastalon ja Kirsti Lempiäisen.
Vuoden 2014 kooste:
Sarah Pink is Professor of Design and Media Ethnography at RMIT University in Australia, Professor of Social Sciences at Loughborough University, UK, Professor of Applied Social and Cultural Analysis at Halmstad University, Sweden, Guest Professor at the Free University of Berlin and Honorary Professor at Griffith University. Her current research focuses on interdisciplinary future-making. She is also a globally recognised authority in innovative and sensory ethnographic research methods, which she has developed and used in existing projects relating to the experience of buildings, design for energy demand reduction, the construction industry, logistics sector, the healthcare sector and to understand sustainability, wellbeing and resilience in slow cities. She is highly experienced in connecting social science research to design and engineering disciplines in the context of collaborative projects with a future orientation, and in bringing the latest advances in academic thinking to create innovative approaches to applied research projects. Her research is funded by a range of research council, corporate and public organisations, currently by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, Institution for Occupational Safety and Health, Food Standards Agency and Unilever, in the UK, and in Australia by the Australian Research Council, Intel and KPMG. Sarah has published 15 books and over 110 journal articles and book chapters. Her most recent books include Dong Sensory Ethnography (2009), Situating Everyday Life (2012), Doing Visual Ethnography (2013), and Ethnographic Research in the Construction Industry (2013).
Olli Pyyhtinen is Senior Lecturer in Sociology (currently on leave) and a researcher at the Turku Institute for Advanced Studies (TIAS) at the University of Turku, Finland. His main research interests relate to social theory, philosophy, science and technology studies, economic sociology, as well as the study of art, and address such issues as the notion and metaphysics of the social, togetherness, materiality, the gift, the art world, and markets. He has published several book chapters in edited volumes and articles in journals (e.g. Theory, Culture & Society; Continental Philosopher Review; Anthropological Theory) on social theory and philosophy, and is the author of Simmel and ‘the Social’ (Palgrave, 2010) and The Gift and its Paradoxes (Ashgate, 2014). His next book, Disruptive Tourism and its Untidy Guests: Alternative Ontologies for Future Hospitalities (authored by S. Veijola, J. Germann Molz, O. Pyyhtinen, E. Höckert and A. Grit), is coming out around August this year by Palgrave. Pyyhtinen is currently doing research on the art market and also working towards two books, The Anthem Companion to Georg Simmel, edited with T. Kemple (Anthem Press), and A Science of Relations: The Simmelian Legacy (Palgrave).
Donatella Della Porta is professor of sociology in the Department of Political and Social Sciences at the European University Institute, where she directs the Center on Social Movement Studies (Cosmos). She is also directs a major ERC project Mobilizing for Democracy, on civil society participation in democratization processes in Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Latin America. Among her very recent publications are: Can Democracy be Saved?, Polity Press, 2013; Clandestine Political Violence, Cambridge University Press, 2013 (with D. Snow, B. Klandermans and D. McAdam (eds.). Blackwell Encyclopedia on Social and Political Movements, Blackwell. 2013; Mobilizing on the Extreme Right (with M. Caiani and C. Wagemann), Oxford University Press, 2012; Meeting Democracy (ed. With D. Rucht), Cambridge University Press, 2012; The Hidden Order of Corruption (with A. Vannucci), Ashgate 2012; (with M. Caiani), Social Movements and Europeanization, Oxford University Press, 2009; (ed.) Another Europe, Routledge, 2009; (ed.) Democracy in Social Movements, Palgrave, 2009; Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences (with M. Keating; translation into Spanish by Akal), Cambridge University Press. In 2011, she was the recipient of the Mattei Dogan Prize for distinguished achievements in the field of political sociology.