THURSDAY 28.3.2019
10:00–12:00: Registration (Publicum entrance hall)
12:00–12:30: Welcome (Mauno Koivisto lecture hall, Publicum 1st. floor).
- Chair of Sociology Days 2019 organising committee, Professor Mikko Niemelä (University of Turku)
- Chair of the Westermarck Society, Professor Kirsti Lempiäinen, Westermarck-seuran puheenjohtaja (University of Lapland)
12:30–14:30: Keynote lectures (Mauno Koivisto lecture hall, Publicum 1st. floor).
- Professor Göran Therborn, University of Cambridge
- Professor Melinda Mills, University of Oxford
Chair: Postdoctoral Researcher Irene Prix
14:30–15:00: Coffee break (at own cost)*
15:00–18:00: Working groups
20:00: Dinner at Kåren (pre-registration required)**
22:00 Evening party at Kåren**
* We recommend to use the café in the same building where your working group gathers. Publicum is the only building without a café
** More information about the dinner and evenig party available here
FRIDAY 29.3.2019
9:00–11:00: Working groups
11:00–12:00: Lunch (at own cost)*
12:00–14:00: Keynote lectures (Mauno Koivisto lecture hall, Publicum 1st. floor)
- Professor Giselinde Kuipers, University of Amsterdam
- Assistant professor Minna van Gerven, University of Twente
Chair: Professor Mikko Lagerspetz, Åbo Akademi
14:00–14:30: Coffee break (at own cost)
14:30–15:00: Westermarck Society spring meeting (Mauno Koivisto lecture hall, Publicum 1st. floor)
15:00–15:30: Westermarck Society award announcements (Mauno Koivisto lecture hall, Publicum 1st. floor)
15:30–16:00: Closure of the conference
*Take a look at the restaurants here