
Sociological conference 15.- 16.3. 2018 in Joensuu

Thursday 15.3.
11.00 Registration (Metria)
13.00 Opening words (M100, video stream M101 ja M102)
– Professor Eeva Jokinen, University of Eastern Finland
– Professor Ilpo Helén, University of Eastern Finland
– Professor Elina Oinas, Westermarck Society, University of Helsinki
13.15 Plenary (chairperson professor Ilpo Helén, UEF) (M100, video stream M101 ja M102)
– Academy researcher Mianna Meskus, University of Helsinki: Scientific craftwork and the circulation of human biological material
– Professor Amade M’charek, Amsterdam yliopisto: Moving modies, performative circulations: The case of dead-bodies-at-the-border
15.15 Coffee break (Metria)
15.45 – 18.15 Working groups
19.30 Dinner at Kerubi, address Siltakatu 1, 80100 Joensuu (for the ones registered for the dinner)
21.30 Evening party (DJ Teppo Johannes), Kerubi, Siltakatu 1, 80100 Joensuu

Friday 16.3.
9.00 Working groups
11.30 Lunch (look at the map of campus restaurants from conference booklet)
12.30 Plenary (chairperson professor Laura Assmuth) (M100, video stream M101 and M103)
– Principal scientist Maria Åkerman, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland: Elävää painoa: kunpa siirtymä lineaarisesta kiertotalouteen olisikin helppoa
– Professor Ruben Andersson, Oxfordin university: The circular logics of security: Notes from the borders
14.30 Break
14.45 Westermarck Society spring meeting (M100)
15.15 Award announcements: Master’s thesis award, Sosiologia journal’s best paper award and the ”Sociological act of the year” -award (M100, video stream M101 and M103)
16.00 Closure of the conference