Every participant takes care of their own accommodation. However, a certain number of rooms have been reserved for conference participants in the local hotels with special conference prices. When making a reservation, use the particular reservation code of the hotel. Notice also that the special prices for conference participants expire approximately a month before the event.
List of accommodation options at Rovaniemi for Sociology Days 2014:
- Single 89,00€ /day
- Double 47,00€/day
- if you want a room with Sauna, you have to pay extra 12,00 € /room /day.
Room reservations should be made directly to the hotel by 5.2.2014. Don’t forget to mention the conference code “University of Lapland Sociology Days” to ensure getting the special conference price.
Contact information:
Juhannuskalliontie, Rovaniemi, Finland
Tel: +358-(0)16-323400
- 116 € /single/day
- 126 € /double/day
Room reservations should be made directly to the hotel by 10.2.2014. Mention code “Sociology days”.
Contact information:
Koskikatu 4
96200 Rovaniemi
Puh.+358 20 1234 695
Fax. 016-3322199
- Comfort room: single/ 110€ / day, double130€/day ( separate beds)
- Delux room: single 120€/day, double 150€/day (double bed)
Mention code: Sociology Days Rovaniemi
Contact Information:
Pekankatu 9, FI-96200 Rovaniemi, FINLAND
Puh. 016 33 00 111
Fax: 016 311 304
E-mail: hotel@cityhotel.fi
Roomreservations by code “Sociology Days 2014″:
- 90€/day/ single standard room
- 110€/day/ double standard room
Roomreservations by code ”Sociology Days 2014”:
- 85€/ day/single standard room
- 105€/day /double standard room
Reservations should be made directly to the hotel (Pohjanhovi or Cumulus) by 27.2.2014.
Reservations: rovaniemi.sales@restel.fi or tel. 016-337 1555
Contact information:
Rantasipi Pohjanhovi
Pohjanpuistikko 2
Puh. (016) 33 711
Fax: (016) 311 824
Valtakatu 23
96200 Rovaniemi
Puh:(016) 333 600
Fax:(016) 333 6366
E-mail: rovaniemi.cumulus@restel.fi
Offers 26.3.–29.3.2014. Reservations should be made by 15.2.2014.
Cosy rooms for 2 – 4 persons.
- single 94€/day
- double 126€/day
- a room for 4 persons 210€/day
Standard rooms
- single 61€/day
- double 99€/day
- a room for 4 persons 126€/day
- apartment for 6 persons 315€/day
- apartment for 6 persons 525€/2 days
Reservations and more information: Sales, Santasport sales@santasport.fi | 0207 984 222
Code: Nationwide Sociology Days
Contact Information:
Santasport Institute
Hiihtomajantie 2 | FIN-96400 Rovaniemi | 0207 984 200 | info@santasport.fi
- 101€/ single/ day
- 148€/ double/ day
Reservations for 27.-29.3.2014, with code: University of Lapland/ nationwide sociology days.
Contact information:
Santa’s Hotel Santa Claus
Korkalonkatu 29
Tel +358 (0) 16 321 321
Fax +358 (0) 16 321 3222
Sales +358 (0) 16 321 3227
Roomprices 27.-28.3.2014:
- 48€/person/double/day
- 85€/single/day
Code: SOS27032014
Contact information:
Koskikatu 23
96200 Rovaniemi
Puhelin: +358 16 460 6000
Fax: +358 16 460 6666
Sähköposti: rovaniemi@scandichotels.com
Read more information about the locations.