Notice! In case you you are in Turku already on Wednesday March 20th, you might be interested in participating in a lecture by Professor Piotr Sztompka, organized by Sovako (Finnish Doctoral Programme of Social Sciences):
16-18 o’clock, Piotr Sztompka: ”Visible Meanings: the Iconic Turn in Contemporary Culture”, followed by discussion (Edu2, Educarium-building)

Thursday, March 21st, 2013

10.00–12.00 Registration (Educarium)
12.00–12.30 Opening words (Edu 1)
12.30–14.30 General lectures (Edu 1):
– Professor Peter Kivisto (Augustana College, USA); “The Unanticipated Consequences of Immigration Policy
– Professor Piotr Sztompka (Jagiellonian University, Poland); “The Idea of Unanticipated Consequences; in the Footsteps of Robert K.Merton”
– Assistant Professor Suvi Salmenniemi (University of Turku); “Unanticipated Affinities Socialism and Neoliberalism in a Post-Cold War World

14.30–15.00 Break
15.00–18.00 Workshops
18.30 Cocktail event at the lobby of Turku University’s main building (T1)
20.00- Evening party and dinner at Panimoravintola Koulu (more information)

Friday, March 22nd 2013

09.00–11.00 Workshops
11.00–12.30 Lunch
12.30–13.00 The Westermarck-Society – spring meeting (Edu 1)
13.00–13.30 Westermarck Thesis Award (Edu 1)
13.30–16.00 Panel and the closing words (Edu 1); ”Sosiologia identiteettinä”
Introduction to topic by Vice Rector Harri Melin (University of Tampere)
The panel participants also include Hannu Ruonavaara (University of Turku), Pekka Räsänen (University of Turku), Anssi Peräkylä (University of Helsinki), Terhi-Anna Wilska (University of Jyväskylä), Juho Saari (University of Eastern Finland), Suvi Ronkainen (University of Lapland) ja Aappo Pukarinen (president of Sociology students’ association).

The list of workshops and presentations can be found here. For other inquieries, you are kindly requested to contact the conference secretary, Mari Toivanen (