Vuoden 2012 puhujat olivat:
Professori Ruut Veenhoven aiheenaan Is Our Life Getting Better? (työnimi)
Ruut Veenhoven (1942) studied sociology. He is also accredited in social psychology and social-sexology. Veenhoven is emeritus professor of ‘social conditions for human happiness’ at Erasmus University Rotterdam in the Netherlands. He is director of the World Database of Happiness and founding editor of the Journal of Happiness Studies.
Veenhoven’s research is mainly on ‘happiness’. One strand of his research is ‘happiness and public choice’, the purpose of which is to build an evidence basis for policies that aim at greater happiness for a greater number. Another research line is ‘happiness and private choice’ and the purpose is here to built an evidence base on which individuals can draw when faced with major life choices, such as having children or early retirement.
Veenhoven has also published on abortion, love, marriage and parenthood.
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Professori Heinz-Herbert Noll aiheenaan Measuring and Monitoring Wellbeing in Europe: The European System of Social Indicators
”Dr. Heinz-Herbert Noll is head of the Social Indicators Research Centre of GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences in Mannheim, Germany (
He graduated in sociology, economics and statistics at the University of Frankfurt a.M. and has received his doctorate at the University of Mannheim. He has taught sociology at the universities of Heidelberg and Mannheim and courses on social indicators and quality of life at various European universities. H.-H. Noll has published widely on topics related to social indicators, quality of life and well-being, social inequality and trends of social change in international comparison. Currently he is also President of the “International Society for Quality of Life Studies” (ISQOLS) and immediate Past President of the Research Committee 55 “Social Indicators” of the International Sociological Association.
Measuring and Monitoring Wellbeing in Europe: The European System of Social Indicators
Issues of measuring and monitoring individual and societal well-being have been addressed within the field of social indicators research since many years, long before the current debate on measuring well-being “beyond GDP” emerged. The presentation addresses issues of measuring well-being in Europe, focussing mainly at the European System of Social Indicators. The European System of Social Indicators is based on a conceptual framework with quality of life, social cohesion and sustainability as its main components and covers more than thirty countries. At present there are time series data available for roughly 650 indicators from 9 out of the projected 13 life-domains. Selected key indicators address dimensions of well-being and social change which are considered particularly important. The data are available online through the Social Indicators Monitor – SIMon. Some examples will demonstrate how the European System of Social Indicators may be used as a tool to measure and monitor well-being and social progress across European countries.”
Professori Juho Saari aiheenaan Hyvinvoinnin uusimmat (r)ajat: johdatus päivien teemaan
Päivät avaavassa alustuksessa kartoitetaan koetun hyvinvoinnin tutkimuksen tilaa sosiologiassa, psykologiassa ja taloustieteessä sekä yhdistetään nämä teemat ajankohtaiseen yhteiskuntapoliittiseen keskusteluun. Esityksen voi tiivistää yhteen MINDMAP-karttaan:
Tämän ohella tarkastellaan lyhyesti ajankohtaisia hyvinvointitutkimuksen rajoja.
Juho Saari (s. 1967) on hyvinvointisosiologian professori ja Kuopion hyvinvointitutkimuskeskuksen johtaja Itä-Suomen yliopistossa. Aikaisemmin hän on työskennellyt muun muassa sosiaali- ja terveysministeriössä. Hän on erikoistunut hyvinvoinnin, kansalaisyhteiskunnan, hyvinvointivaltion ja Euroopan unionin sosiaalisen ulottuvuuden tutkimukseen. Kaikkiaan on hän kirjoittanut tai toimittanut noin 40 kirjaa, mukaan luettuna Yksinäisten yhteiskunta (2010), Tulevaisuuden voittajat (toim. 2010), Hyvinvoinnin uusi politiikka (2010, toim. yhdessä tutkimusprofessori Heikki Hiilamon kanssa), Hyvien ihmisten maa (2011, toim. yhdessä dosentti Anne Birgitta Pessin kanssa), Hyvinvointi (toim. 2011) ja Politiikan polut ja hyvinvointivaltion muutos (2011, toim. yhdessä professori (ma) Mikko Niemelän kanssa). Parhaillaan hän tutkii muun muassa kasvun, työlllisyyden ja eriarvoisuuden välistä dynamiikkaa, hyvinvoinnin ja eriarvoisuuden välisiä mekanismeja, Suomen suhteellisen aseman muutosta Euroopan unionissa, hallitus sopeuttamisen politiikkoja, julkisen velkaantumisen sosiaalipoliittisia vaikutuksia, yksinäisyyttä ja tunteita, sekä kaikkein huono-osaisimmassa asemassa olevien väestöryhmien hyvinvointia ja siihen vaikuttavia tekijöitä.
Professori Terhi-Anna Wilska aiheenaan ”Does consumption make us happy? Theoretical and empirical analysis of material and mental well-being.”
Terhi-Anna Wilska (PhD, sociology), (Lic.Econ.) works as a Professor of Sociology in the Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy at the University of Jyväskylä. In her research, she is specialized in issues related to consumption and consumer society, lifestyles, social aspects of new technology, young people, children and families and welfare. She has published on these topics in journals such as Journal of Consumer Policy, Acta Sociologica, International Journal of Consumer Studies, Journal of Youth Studies, Young, Information, Communication & Society, Progress in Industrial Ecology. Her current research interests include consumption and lifestyles, focusing on the interconnections between sustainability, technology, luxury and wellness. She is also interested in the social and material well-being of children and young people.
Tutkimusprofessori Mika Pantzar aiheenaan Choreographing Everyday Life – Life in Tapiola Garden City in post war Finland
Mika Pantzar (PhD) is acting as a research professor in National Consumer Research Centre (Helsinki). He has published articles within consumer research, design and technology studies, food and future studies and systems research (in e.g. Design Issue, Ethnologia Europaea, European Journal of Innovation Management, Journal of Advertising, Journal of Design, Journal of Consumer Culture, Journal of Consumer Studies and Home Economics, Journal of Future Studies, Journal of Material Culture, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management). His current research interests focus on the economics of sport, health and wellbeing.
VTT Kaisa Ketokivi aiheenaan Rebuilding Life: The relational self and embedded agency
Kaisa Ketokivi’s talk Rebuilding Life: The Relational Self and Embedded Agency examines the ways in which the self and agency are constituted and embedded in webs of significant relations.
Kaisa Ketokivi works as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Helsinki and as a Fellow at New York University. She is a founding member and organizer of the NYU-based Working Group Belonging Today, an editorial board member of Sosiologia and an Internet Columnist at the Finnish Medical Journal. Her dissertation The Relational Self, The Social Bond and the Dynamics of Personal Relationships (2010) examined the questions of the self and of the social bond at the crossroads of theoretical and empirical. She is the author of “The Intimate Couple, Family and the Relational Organization of Close Relationships” (forthcoming in Sociology), “Biographical Disruption, the Wounded Self and the Reconfiguration of Significant Others” (Peter Lang, 2008), “At a crossroads: Contemporary lives between Fate and Choice” (with Anna Bagnoli) and “Sharing the same fate: Social bonds between the self and fellow sufferers in the context of peer support” (both in European Societies (11(3), 2009). Her postdoctoral work in progress is about individuality, relational methodology, reconfigurations of personal webs of belonging and rethinking of relationality for sociology.