Sosiologipäivien 2011 yleisesitelmöisijät:
Professor Karin Knorr Cetina, University of Chicago
Karin Knorr Cetina is George Wells Beadle Distinguished Service Professor of Sociology at the University of Chicago, a member of the Institute for World Society Studies at the University of Bielefeld and was previously Professor of Sociology at the University of Konstanz. Most of her work is based on observation studies of complex expert settings— for example, she conducted so-called laboratory studies in high-energy physics (European Laboratory of Particle Physics in Geneva) and in molecular biology, and she studies global financial markets on the trading floors of large investment banks and private banks in Zurich, New York, London, and Sidney.
Her recent publications include Epistemic Cultures: How the Sciences Make Knowledge (3rd ed. Harvard University Press, 2003), which received two prizes; The Sociology of Financial Markets (edited with Alex Preda; Oxford University Press, 2005); “ Global Microstructures: The Virtual Societies of Financial Markets,”American Journal of Sociology (with Urs Bruegger, winner of the theory prize for best paper, 2006); and “ Synthetic Situation: Interactionism for a Global The World” (Symbolic Interaction 2009). She is working on a book on the social and cultural structures of global financial markets, co-editing the Oxford Handbook of Sociology of Finance (appears 2012), and working on a comparative
project on scopic media in five areas. Karin Knorr Cetina is a former member of the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, and the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford; she was president of the Society for Social Studies of Science, chair of the Theory Section of the American Sociological Association, holds an honorary doctors degree from the University of Luzern, and is a winner of the Bernal Prize for Distinguished
Contributions to the Field awarded by the Society for Social Studies of Science.
Professor Ann Phoenix, University of London
Ann Phoenix is the ESRC Professorial Fellow for the Transforming Experiences research programme. She is Professor and Co-Director of the Thomas Coram Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London. Her research is mainly about social identities and the ways in which psychological experiences and social processes are linked. Her research includes work on racialised and gendered identities and experiences; mixed-parentage,
masculinities, consumption, young people and their parents and the transition to motherhood. Recent research grants include: ESRC grant on ‘Identities in process: Becoming Asian, black and white mothers’(with Wendy Hollway at the Open University) and an ESRC Professorial Fellowship for a programme of work on ‘Transforming Experiences: Re- conceptualising identities and ‘non-normative’childhoods’ (2007- 2009). She currently co-directsthe Childhood Wellbeing Research centre funded by Department for Education in England and, from October 2011, will be the Principal Investigator on an ESRC National Centre for Research Methods node on ‘Habitual practices in everyday family lives: Understanding constructed meanings by mixing methods’ (with Co-Investigators Janet Boddy and Julia Brannen).
Her published books include:
– Young Mothers? (1991) Cambridge: Polity Press; Black, White or Mixed Race? Race and racism in the Lives of Young People of Mixed –Parentage, (1993/2002 with Barbara Tizard) London: Routledge;
– Standpoints and Differences: Essays in the practice of feminist psychology. London, Sage (1998, edited with Karen Henwood and Christine Griffin);
– Young Masculinities: Understanding boys in contemporary society (2002, with Stephen Frosh and Rob Pattman) London: Palgrave;
– Social Psychology Matters (2007 edited with Wendy Hollway and Helen Lucey). Buckingham: Open University Press
– Parenting and ethnicity (2007 with Fatima Husain), York: JRF. [online]. Available:
– She has co-edited (with Pamela Pattynama) a special issue of the European Journal of Women’ Studies on Intersectionality (2006).
Professor Ilkka Arminen, University of Helsinki
Director, PhD
Network for Higher Education and Innovation Research, HEINE
University of Helsinki
For the past ten years Arminen has conducted user-centred research on information and communication technologies, and science and technology studies from 3-D environments to ubiquitous computing, from emergency communication to HRM solutions and from aviation information systems to domestic technologies. He ́s focus has always been on the social and human aspect of new forms of media and technologies, but all the time he has incorporated new fields to inquiry. Since 2009 he ́s been carrying out research on university and public research organization reforms (originally this was an offshoot of earlier studies on HRM solutions that were embedded in the organizational reforms). Then he got chosen to act as a director of Higher Education and Innovation Research Network (HEINE). This allows him to
utilize he ́s earlier experiences on multi disciplinary studies and my more recent interests in financial orders. Arminen has specialized in the detailed high precision qualitative analysis of user experiences, but he has applied quantitative and combined methods (and written a lot about related methodological issues). He also has a wide collaboration network both nationally and internationally. In research collaboration, Arminen sees merit in wide
constellations of backgrounds and experiences. Much of the work has been basic research in its orientation, but recently he has moved more strongly toward applied design oriented research and development work. He ́s recent theoretical interests concern processes of domestication and performativity, Arminen aspires to develop a strong program for material social sciences that would be based on the finitist reasoning and enable a synthesis of
ethnomethodological programs to more recent material sociology.
Some recent publications:
– Arminen, Ilkka and Alexandra Weilenmann. (2009). Mobile presence and intimacy –
reshaping of social actions in mobile contextual configuration.
– Arminen, Ilkka and Piia Poikus. (2009). Everybody has to lie –on the appropriation of a
time management system in the Finnish universities.
– Arminen, Ilkka and Piia Poikus. (2009). Diagnostic Reasoning in the use of travel management system.
– Arminen, Ilkka & Auvinen, Petra & Palukka, Hannele (2010) Repairs as the last orderly provided defense of safety in aviation.
– Arminen, Ilkka. Forthc./2010. Who’ afraid of Financial Markets?
PhD Salla Tuori, University of Helsinki
Salla Tuori’ research interests are in postcolonial feminism, ethnographical practices and ethical encounters with/in multiculturalism. She is also interested in feminist pedagogies and transdisciplinary thinking. Tuori’ PhD thesis (2009) “ politics of multicultural encounters. Feminist postcolonial perspectives”explores the politics of The multiculturalism in the context of everyday project work. Encounters are often considered as a solution to possible or existing problems of multiculturalism. She analyses the gendered and racialised encounters between different actors of varying ethnicity and national status in the research setting as well as explore and understand the tensions that arise within multicultural women’ politics.
Currently Tuori is working on a post-doctoral study titled Gender, Race and Class: Employment and Projectification as part of research project “Transnational and Local: The Social Integration of Immigrant Communities” (Academy of Finland, project leader PhD, docent Östen Wahlbeck, Swedish School of Social Science, University of Helsinki). The
study focuses on the constructions of multiculturalism and integration in the Finnish context through a focus on project work. Most of the multicultural work and work on integration is organised as projects, which are supposed to involve third sector participants as well as authorities and, ideally, also private sector actors. Already her previous research on an EU-funded employment project for migrant women suggested that even if “project society” increases the precariousness of the working life in general, due to the racialisation/ethnicfication of the labour market, employees with migrant background are affected in particular ways. An analytical discussion of class and race/ethnicity will connect this study to Nordic debates particularly in the fields of gender studies and postcolonial
Some recent publications:
– Tuori, Salla (2009) The politics of multicultural encounters. Feminist postcolonial perspectives. Åbo Akademi University Press.
– Mulinari, Diana, Salla Tuori, Suvi Keskinen & Sari Irni (2009) (eds.): Complying with Colonialism. Gender, ‘Race’ and Ethnicity in the Nordic Region. Farnham: Ashgate.
– Keskinen, Suvi, Anna Rastas & Salla Tuori (2009) (toim.) En ole rasisti, mutta… Maahanmuutosta, monikulttuurisuudesta ja kritiikistä. Tampere: Vastapaino.
– Tuori, Salla (2009) Möten mellan postkolonial feminism och mångkulturell politik. Lectio. Naistutkimus 22(4), 73-77.
– Tuori, Salla (2007) Cooking nation. Gender Equality and Multiculturalism as nation-building discourses. EuropeanJournal of Women’ Studies, (14) 21–35.
PhD Ilkka Pietilä, University of Tampere
Ilkka Pietilä ́s research work has largely focused on health as a gendered phenomenon including topics such as interplay of various discourses around masculinity and health, lay interpretations of the causalities of health and illness, cultural comparisons of these interpretations, health in transitional societies (Russia, in particular) as well as
the moral and ideological features of lifestyle in relation to health. In Pietilä ́s post-doctoral project his research interests also include men’ ageing, embodiment and consumption, with overall interest in ageing as a gendered process. Theoretically and methodologically Pietilä ́s research draws on the sociology of health and illness as well as on critical, discursive gender studies.
Some recent publications:
– Pietilä I (2008). Between rocks and hard places. Ideological dilemmas in men’ talk about health and gender. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller. (doctoral dissertation).
– Pietilä I (2009). Kontekstuaalinen vaihtelu miesten puheessa terveydestä: yksilöhaastatteluiden ja ryhmäkeskustelujen vertaileva analyysi. Sosiaalilääketieteellinen Aikakauslehti, 46(3), 171-183.
– Aarva P & Pietila I (2010). Russian health in transition. In: Witnessing Change in Contemporary Russia, 221-249.
Eds. T Huttunen & M Ylikangas. Kikimora Publications Series B 38. Helsinki: Kikimora Publications.
– Pietilä I (2010). Eastern cowboys: Masculine selves and coping with stressful life in the Russian edition of Men’ Health magazine. In: Russian Mass Media and Changing Values, 115-133. Eds. A Rosenholm, K Nordenstreng & E Trubina. Abingdon: Routledge.
– Pietilä I & Ojala H (in press). Acting age in the context of health: middle-aged working-class men talking about bodies and aging. Journal of Aging Studies, DOI: 10.1016/j.jaging.2011.01.005.